Lifting and Leveraging the Global Exoskeleton Community
ASTM International’s Exo Technology Center of Excellence (ET CoE) brings together industry, healthcare, academia, and government to accelerate safety and reliability standards for exoskeletons and their systems. Through research-to-standards, knowledge sharing, and education efforts, the ET CoE will ensure greater confidence in the baseline performance of exoskeletons and drive faster commercialization and adoption of the technology.
The ET CoE:
Focuses on R&D and a wide array of other activities to benefit the fast-growing exoskeletons and exosuits industry
Applies targeted funding and resources toward efforts that advance exo technologies
Acts as a single, unified hub of knowledge, resources, and leadership
Represents an unbiased, credible authority that can
produce reliable and trustworthy standards and
other guidanceSets goals and defines strategic direction for
the community
Core Activities
Education & Workforce Development - providing a wide range of learning and training opportunities on exoskeletons, including online, hands-on, and virtual
Standards & Certification - providing the needed research, data, and expertise to standards development organizations to create needed tools such as standards as well as certification and interlaboratory study programs.
R&D - strategically prioritizing research focused on developing new standards or modifying existing standards
Consortia - collaborations with industry, academia, and government to identify research-to-standards projects, education and workforce development initiatives, and other community needs
Coordination - connecting research, testing, and education efforts throughout the community and providing forums to discuss common challenges
ET CoE Podcasts
Hosts, Bill Billotte and Nora Nimmerichter of ASTM International discuss exoskeletons, robotics, and emerging technology. Bill and Nora use the Podcast to increase the awareness of exo and emerging technologies in an informal manner. Guest speakers from industry, academia, and government have joined in the discussions to provide insight into the latest challenges and success of these technologies.
The Following Seas podcast features current and former Navy civilian and military members as guests to discuss what STEM challenges await students, how technical standards help the Navy operate globally, and how students can make a difference through a rewarding career in the Navy. Podcast episodes will cover traditional and emerging technology areas including nuclear propulsion. Robotics, exoskeletons, AI, autonomous systems, and many others depending on our guests’ backgrounds.